Strike A Chord, Strike a Balance

As I mentioned in the last bulletin, there are some simple philosophies that I try to stick to in guiding our music ministry. This time, I’ll share some of those, and some of my motivations. To begin with, I’ll acknowledge the “elephant in the room” in liturgical music—there is no [...]

Memories of our 175th Anniversary

With memories of our 175th Anniversary celebration so fresh, I want to take an opportunity to respond to the reactions and feedback the staff has been receiving. I know others around the office probably have much more they could share, but since so much of the response has pertained to [...]

Finding Ways to Grow in God’s Perfect Charity

Since finding my way back to sincere faith in Jesus Christ and the comfort and support of Catholic communities like ours here at St. Peter’s, I have learned many things, and by the grace of God I believe that I’m a better person for it. Because of this, I hope [...]

Being God’s Gardener

By this time of year, the crops are in the field and gardens have been planted. Many plants have begun to sprout and some have even blossomed. The seeds that were put in the ground will look nothing like the plants which will grow from them. The next time you [...]

Relationship and The Holy Trinity

“The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.” (Psalm 33) It is always a little intimidating to be asked to write something about the Holy Trinity. I find myself challenged to describe adequately this great, defining Mystery of our faith. And yet, it remains one of the [...]

The Holy Spirit: The Soul of The Church

I’ve always had a somewhat difficult time understanding the Holy Spirit. While not all of you will agree, I don’t think I’m alone when I say that the Holy Spirit is the most unrelatable part of the Trinity for me. With the Father, we have our own dads and all [...]

Goodbyes Can Be Hard

Goodbyes can be hard. Sometimes they are filled with joy as well as sadness; sometimes they are more about sadness. We say goodbye to family and friends that move away, we say goodbye to children who go off to college, we say goodbye at a funeral. My children sometimes get [...]

Our Devotion to Mary

Recently, Fr. Steven has used a title for Mary that I had never heard before. Though I don’t think it is technically an “official” title, there is definitely substantial and defensible biblical basis for it. I am not sure whether it was last weekend or some time before that, but [...]

Investing in Our Relationship With God

This past Saturday the parish staff celebrated the wonderful volunteers of our parish with the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. It was a great celebration to honor those who have so graciously given their time throughout the year. We had parishioners in attendance who participate in liturgies, assist in the office, [...]

Eye Opening Experiences

Alleluia! The Easter season and spring are fully upon us! Much of nature has been dormant through the dark and cold of winter, preparing itself to grow and flourish in the warmer days of spring. We, too, have spent the days and weeks of Lent reflecting on our lives as [...]

