I’m Not Good Enough To Sing In Choir, Am I?

By David Dunst, Music Director This description may surprise you, but St. Peter’s is a singing parish.  You may or may not believe me, but my experiences here reveal a people with great appreciation for the art and function of music and who value participating in the singing of the [...]

Parishioner Spotlight: Dan & Kelly Garrett

I t didn’t take long for Dan and Kelly Garrett, who joined St. Peter Parish in 2007, to find their place in our faith community. While many new parishioners might “sit on the sidelines” at first, or approach active involvement with a cautious eye, the Garretts made getting involved a priority from day one. “We [...]

A Boring Question

“Does this Mass ‘count’ for Sunday?” Every once in a while I am asked that about a Saturday afternoon wedding Mass, but those who would wonder about such a thing are becoming fewer and fewer. There was a time when Catholics were preoccupied with whether something “counted.” If you are [...]

