Family Fission

Oftentimes, it is the idiosyncrasies of the Scriptures, particularly the Lectionary, and the way readings are set before us in the Mass, that catch my attention. Many Sundays the Gospel and Old Testament reading are clearly connected, and serve to bring unity to the Word of God across the supposed [...]

Receiving the Spirit

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” Oof. As one who works with youth, anytime the Lord speaks of the little ones [...]

Good Soil

One of the great privileges of my work is that so many of you generously share your lives and your stories with me. I also hear from you when you are hurting, when you are joyful, when you have concerns for our Church and its people, and, thankfully, when you [...]

Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus

In our gospel this weekend, Jesus asks his disciples an important question: “But who do YOU say that I am?” It is to this question that Peter steps forward in faith and answers, “You are the Christ.” This is an important question for each of us to answer, as we [...]

A View From The Director’s Chair

I am now entering into the second month of my tenure here at St. Peter’s. I am abundantly blessed to have this position and cannot deny the sheer providence of God that brought me to this beautiful community. I would be remiss if I could confidently tell you that I [...]


It’s hard to conceive of a topic about which to write, apart from the disquieting news surrounding the Church these days — or rather, surrounding the Church’s leaders — or more appropriately, surrounding the Church’s earthly leaders. It may seem redundant to state it thrice, as I have, but we [...]

Healthy Diet

I love this time of the year in our lectionary cycle. This is where the proverbial rubber meets the road, and we get some concrete instructions on how to follow Jesus. Let’s face it; being a true disciple is hard, especially when it’s often even hard to decipher what that [...]

Covering Our Baldness

In the Garden of Eden, after the fall, Adam and Eve realized they were naked, and so they hid from the Lord. Like scared children they realized that they had disobeyed the Father and attempted to hide in their shame. By the time you read this, I will have survived [...]

What Does It Mean To Know God?

Depending on the individual, the congregation, or even the denominational tradition, knowing God can sometimes be reduced to an intellectual exercise. This text tells us that the knowledge of God is connected to an experience of God, and especially experiencing God’s provision. Knowing God is also expressed in obeying God, [...]


Every week, we are given a Scripture so timely and so necessary that we ought to spend more than a passing moment on it. This week, however, sandwiched as it is between foundational truths about God’s promises and God’s generous abundance, the second reading can get overlooked, or leastways overshadowed [...]

